Each week our school spotlights a fantastic member of our Willow Springs faculty and staff.

Name: Rebecca Carter
Position: Speech
Years of Experience: Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and Master’s degree from the University of Utah. Member of ASHA since earning my Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) in 2002. I’ve worked as a Speech-Language Pathologist in the school setting for 20 years. I first started working in Jordan District in 2001 and then transferred to Willow Springs when it opened in 2006, before the split to become Canyons District in 2009.
One Reason She Loves Her Job: Elementary students are so fun to work with and I love it! I have helped out in other school settings such as middle school and high school, but I enjoy elementary the most. It’s a very rewarding profession to work in Special Education and be able to see so many of my students improve with their articulation, language and fluency skills. I’m always sad to release students from Speech and will miss them (and I love it when they say they’ll miss it too!), but I know that they’ve worked so hard to get to where they are. It’s always great when they remember me and come back to say hi years later when they’re in high school, and to know that I’ve helped to make a difference in their lives.
Hobbies and Interests: I love traveling and seeing new places and cultures. I’ve been to 49 states (just Maine to go!) and 5 continents with so many more places still on my list to see. I love spending time with my family whether it’s celebrating holidays or birthdays, camping, boating, or playing games. I also love to read, watch movies, and go out to lunch/dinner to catch up with good friends.