Each week our school spotlights a fantastic member of our Willow Springs faculty and staff.

Name: Richard Moore
Position: Assistant Facilities Manager
Years of Experience: 7 years
What He Loves About His Job: I love that I get to interact everyday with every student at Willow springs and be a common person for kids from kindergarten to fifth grade. I also love that I get to come to a job that I feel creates a positive change in the world by ensuring that my students have a safe clean building to learn and grow.
Hobbies and Interests: I love to ride my motorcycle during the warmer parts of the year, it feels so free to have the wind and noise and helps all of my problems melt away, I also love to play and train my dog Mugin.
Something Interesting: This is my fifth year at Willow Springs and my 1st graders from my first grade are now fifth graders and I loved having watched them grow.