To drop off your child please pull into the far right Drop-Off Lane. Drove all the way to the crosswalk and stop behind the car in front of you. Students should exit/enter the vehicle once the car has reached the designated DROP OFF ZONE. As you leave the Drop-Off Lane, you will pull into the Thru Lane and turn right. to exit the parking lot. Do not drive through the Drop-Off Lane, to exit. This will allow more cars into the Drop-Off lane and will keep traffic moving. Children should only be exiting the car from the right side onto the sidewalk. This is for the safety of your child and will not cause interference with traffic in the Thru Lane.
The Thru Lane will ONLY be allowed for cars leaving the parking lot. Please DO NOT stop in the Thru Lane to let your children out of our car. This becomes a safety issue as they walk between parked cars in the Drop-Off Lane. This also blocks the Thru Lane.
Please do not park your car in the Drop-Off Lane If you are in this lane, you must remain in your car. If you wish to get out of the car or enter the school with your child, please park in the east parking lot. Do not use the parking lot as a drop-off place for your children. If you park in the Parking lot you must walk your child through the parking lot and across the street.
The south parking lot is reserved for staff. There is NO drop off in the bus zone or the south parking lot. There is no safety patrol by the south lot to escort students safely across the street. Walking students should enter school ground from the sidewalk on the east of the school to avoid buses, and trucks unloading at the dock.
Thank you for considering the safety of our students. We wish to make this process run as smoothly and quickly as possible. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Willow Springs Elementary