13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020

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DRAFT School Community Council Minutes

Willow Springs Elementary

13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020

April 17, 2024 | 10:00 – 11:30 am

Anne Hansen, Principal         

Megan Gutierrez, Chair

Alyx Tatom, Teacher

Megan Ord, Vice Chair

Denise White, Instructional Coach

Kaydee McMahon, Secretary

Megan White, Teacher

Jessica Smith, Parent


Sarajane Luper, Parent

Shalisse Smith, Parent


Megan White

Denise White


  1. Review and approve meeting minutes dated March 20, 2024
    • Megan Ord motioned to approve meeting minutes dated March 20, 2024. Sarahjane seconded the motion. Meeting minutes unanimously approved.
  1. Review current year’s LAND Trust plan, data and expenditures.
    • Principal Hansen shared updated expenditures (click here to see the presentation).
    • Principal Hansen investigated the ability to spend remaining funds on math manipulatives as discussed at the last meeting. The specific funds are not tied to a planned goal, and therefore, cannot be spent on math manipulatives.
    • Sarajane asked about getting manipulatives to parents over the summer. Principal Hansen will investigate putting kits together.
    • Principal Hansen asked for the SCC’s input about the timing for informing parents/guardians of who will be their student’s 2024-2025 teacher.
    • Principal Hansen and the council agreed that informing parents in August – during registration – is preferred to informing them at the end of the current school year.
  2. LAND Trust plans have been reviewed by School Performance and any necessary changes conveyed to SCC and then submitted to the Board of Education.
    • Plan was submitted last month.
    • Enrollment numbers from the state were different during submission than during the original creation of the plan.
    • A few changes were made.
    • Hours for aides and interventionists were adjusted.
    • All SCC members supported changes made.
  3. Meeting adjourned.
    • Sarahjane motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 am. Jessica seconded. Carried.  
  1. Next council meeting will be held May 15, 2024 at 10:00 AM.


Action Item:

  • Principal Hansen will research getting math kits to go home with kids over summer.


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