School Community Council Minutes
November 15, 2023
Willow Springs Elementary
13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020
Anne Hansen, Principal
Alyx Tatom, Teacher
Denise White, Instructional Coach
Megan White, Teacher
Megan Gutierrez, Parent
Megan Ord, Vice Chair
Kaydee McMahon, Secretary
Jessica Smith, Parent
Sarajane Luper, Parent
Shalisse Smith, Parent
- Welcome
- All members in attendance Megan G. participated via Zoom. Also, in attendance Holly Neibaur Canyons School Board Member (by phone), Alice Meradith District School Performance, Janene Day Draper Elementary SCC chair, Mary Pugh community member.
- Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.
- Jessica shared comments about last week’s minutes, the SCC bulletin board still needs addressed as well as the reinstating the hazard bus letter.
- Jessica read a hazardous bus draft letter to the council.
- Holly Neibaur suggested the letter mention that Lesley Bruce the Draper City crossing guard coordinator confirmed the stop has been discontinued.
- All SCC members agreed with the mentioned updates and the letter is ready to be sent.
- The letter was updated and signed by SCC members in attendance. (See linked “SCC Letter”)
- Jessica motioned to approve last month’s minutes, Sarajane seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.
- Digital Safety Plan
- Alice (Peck) Meradith: District School Performance
- Dallas Erickson: Was not in attendance but consulted with Principal Hansen at an earlier date.
- Principal Hansen acknowledged community concerns about school internet filters. She reviewed the SCC’s draft safety plan including action items.
- In response to the conversation regarding raising the technology filters to the highest level, Principal Hansen, presented the following information (See linked Internet Filtering Presentation” for more information.)
- The highest filter prevents K-1 students from using iPads. Students with the highest filter must participate in different academic activities. Filters are tied to student login; iPads don’t have individual student login. If the highest filter is used by all students, it would lead to a full rewrite of curriculum for these grades.
- Principal Hansen shared some teacher feedback about filters. There was some hesitation from the teachers about implementing the filters as well as some support.
- Programs used at each grade level have been shared via parent square.
- Principal Hansen shared additional options for student/family education, student accountability and the continuing education happening in the district.
- The Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (PBIS) matrix identifies places such as the lunchroom and playground as places to implement PBIS. Principal Hansen suggests the SCC officially advise the school includes technology as one of those locations for the matrix.
- Currently 12 students from 8 families have the highest filter in place as requested by parents.
- Jessica feels that the highest filter intervenes with curriculum, but still allows students to access inappropriate material.
- Scott McCombs, from the district technology department at an earlier date consulted with Principal Hansen. They discussed that adding specific websites to a filter is a complicated process and takes time. There are unintended consequences such as the use of resources and time spent on such issues.
- Holly talked about teaching students how to use devices starting in the early grades. This is not a one and done teaching moment but needs to be an ongoing conversation.
- Shalisse is comfortable moving forward with education assemblies and adding Technology to PBIS as proposed by Principal Hansen. She wants continual conversation about student time spent on devices.
- Alice informed the council that the district works constantly on these concerns.
- Jessica feels like technology needs to be pulled until issues are resolved. Shalisse agreed with Jessica.
- Alice and the district hear the community’s concerns. The challenges are that curriculum is tied to technology, it would take a lot of time, money and, effort to pull technology out. Technology is part of our lives no matter what, navigating those waters is what we need to continually address and concern. We will continue to do what we can to control technology, but we also want to focus on empowering the children.
- Megan G. agreed with Holly, education is an important part of prevention. She is most interested in the education part.
- Sarajane agreed with Shalisse’s earlier comment about the amount of time on the screen and that is something we can address now.
- Holly mentioned the district takes a 3-pronged approach time, education, and filtering. The district is making strides with screen time usage, data shows there is less use this year from last year.
- Shalisse asked are the teachers aware of specific pit falls/holes that have been found?
- Alex is in first grade; internet searching is not used as much as specific apps.
- White: active supervision is the biggest action that protects the kids.
- Daniese: Lanschool and apple classroom helps teachers monitor and message students. Teachers love the students and want to keep them safe.
- Megan O. asked about setting goals on how much time is spent on screens and to lessen use overtime.
- Principal Hansen mentioned that PBIS in her opinion is the quickest and easiest way we have to address these concerns now.
- Holly mentioned that teachers are using Lanschool.
- Principal Hansen’s concern is unilateral decisions that may have unintended consequences.
- Shalisse motioned to vote recommending tech be added to the PBIS matrix as presented by Principal Hansen. Megan O. seconded the motion, the SCC unanimously passed the motion.
- SCC members will research educational assembly and vote on recommendations at the next meeting.
- SCC will draft PBIS matrix tech additions by the next meeting.
- Jesscia motioned to make an official recommendation to teachers, to use Lanschool or apple classroom when students are on devices. Shalisse seconded the motion; the SCC unanimously passed the motion.
- Holly suggested that a great time to implement these motions would be to have them as a PLC topic.
- Jessica motioned to make an official recommendation for a PLC topic to be held regarding the use of technology devices as a tool or resources rather than the primary method of instruction. Sarajane seconded the motion and all SCC members voted in favor, the motion was unanimously approved.
- In response to the conversation regarding raising the technology filters to the highest level, Principal Hansen, presented the following information (See linked Internet Filtering Presentation” for more information.)
- Review current year’s Land Trust Plan, data, expenditures, and review if spending is on course or if amendments are necessary.
- Principal Hansen reviewed expenditures and current balance. No amendments are needed at this time. (See linked “11_24 Landtrust” and “11_24 TSSA” reports for the most recent information.)
- Megan Ord made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Sarajane seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am.
Action Items
- Jessica will send hazardous bus letter to the district
- SCC members will research educational assembly and vote on recommendations at the next meeting.
- SCC will draft PBIS matrix tech additions by the next meeting.