13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020

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School Community Council Minutes

Willow Springs Elementary

13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020

November 26, 2024 | 9:30 – 11:00 am

Anne Hansen, Principal         

Megan Gutierrez, Chair, Parent

Annie Nixon, Instructional Coach

Megan Ord, Vice Chair, Parent

Emilee Jeppson, Teacher

Sarajane Luper, Secretary, Parent – Absent

Megan White, Teacher

Jessica Smith, Parent

Rebekah Schwartz, Teacher/Guest

Shalisse Smith, Parent – Absent

Scot McCombs, District IT/ Guest

Jennie Stratton, Parent

Kelsey Boyce, PTA/Guest

  • Welcome
  • Approve Minutes
    • Jessica Motions to approve the minutes, Mrs. White Seconds, they pass unanimously.
  • Digital Citizenship and School Safety Report
    • Presentation – Rebekah Schwartz
      • Rebekah, the liaison between the district, teachers, and kids, sends out monthly digital citizenship message to parents.
      • She provided a presentation to the Council related to digital citizenship.
      • Within the presentation Rebekah mentioned that the Student Responsible Use Guidelines (which all parents and guardian’s are required to sign at the beginning of the year) were updated this fall to help to be clearer about what the children and being taught and learning. 
      • There are several activities created around Digital Citizenship – STEM, Library, monthly message to focus on a certain practice to gain healthy skills to use technology, THRIVE Time, etc.
    • Scot McCombs, District IT
      • Scot shows the different filtering options.
      • Filtering is a high priority for the Board and District. Key words are blocked on filtering. If students are still being persistent then the filtering becomes hard.
      • Content Keeper is used as the District filter. Focus is to stay CIPA compliant – says we will filter out harmful content, obscene content. Doesn’t define what obscene is and that definition is up the District. Content Keeper works on Chromebook no matter where they are. The District is constantly trying to make it safe and more safe.
      • Elementary and Middle filtering is close to identical. High School is very different in filtering, more access – High Restricted option – totally different version of filtering, it is a built list of sites that are allowed. Moderate option is also available.
      • Jessica Smith suggested to send out the Technology Connect Portal which is where you can review the filtering options to parents in a newsletter or on parent square – filtering options, parents can use skyward credentials to login, can ask to have log in time, not usage time, can ask to receive notifications for ‘naughty’ searches. Parents can enter a URL to be evaluated.
      • District has a committee every week to review, if a decision can’t be made in the committee then it moves on to cabinet.
      • Jennie asks, can we access this at home on any device? Yes.
      • Annie asks to have a reference page sent out to families – parents are not aware.
      • IT does send parents emails if a student searches for something that is self-harm or harm to others. IT is required to notify parents for self-harm and suicide but isn’t required to report to parents about explicit searches.
      • Jessica states that she would like to have the explicit searches to be a required report.
      • Jessica asks about SORA or other online libraries age appropriateness. Who vets the books?
      • Megan suggests pulling up the digital report to review the report due to the District.
      • Teachers can ask IT to review a site through Dashboard, so it can be accessed on the highest restriction. SCC would like to make things easier for teachers with having age appropriate/educational content available on the highest restriction.
      • SCC would like to have digital citizenship week on a full week instead of a short week.
      • During safety week, in January – have lots of signs, volunteers and Willie present
      • Principal Hansen filled out the digital safety report.
    • Substitute Teachers
      • We included this in our School Safety report. That we wanted to make sure that uncredentialed substitute teacher volunteers had to have two volunteers in the classroom.
    • Both the Digital Citizenship School Safety Report were reviewed and submitted   
  • Roles on the Council
  • Role of Secretary – Sarajane Luper
    • Principal Hansen nominated Sarajane as secretary, Annie second. All in favor. Motion passes.
  • Jeppson to replace Mrs. Shumway
  • Review current year’s LAND Trust plan, data, expenditures, and review if spending is on course or if amendments are necessary
    • Principal Hansen presented our current data (attached).
      Spending about $10k a month in Land Trust and $7K in TSSA. Should hit targets for the end of the year.
    • Cell Phone towers were redistributed so there is more money. Principal Hansen suggest to use fund for the principal discretion. Jessica motions, Megan seconds, voted unanimously, passed.
    • SWIG fundraiser to help with sunshades, don’t anticipate making enough money to cover so will need to explore other options
  • Cancelled December meeting
  • Safety Week January 20th.
  • Adjourn Meeting
    • Jessica Motion to adjourn meeting, Annie seconded.

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org