13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020

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School Community Council Minutes
  Willow Springs Elementary
  Zoom Link
   September 22, 2021, 10:00 am  
Marianne Yule, Principal   Megan Gutierrez, Chair 
Denise White, Achievement Coach  Alexis Rife, Parent 
Shanda Antuna, Achievement Coach  Brooke Zimmerman, Parent 
Christine Wirthlin, Teacher  Cassidy Merrell 
  DeeAnna Smith, Parent 
  Kaydee McMahon, Parent 
In attendance: All – Marianne Yule, Denise White, Shanda Antuna, Christine Wirthlin, Megan Gutierrez, Alexis Rife, Brooke Zimmerman, Cassidy Merrell, DeeAnna Smith, Kaydee McMahon 
  1. Introductions 
  2. Nominations for Vice Chair and Secretary  
    1. Brooke volunteered for Vice Chair again, Megan Gutierrez motioned and Alexis Rife second, all approved.  
    2. Kaydee McMahon offered to be secretary, Alexis Rife second, all approved.  
  3. Review rules of order and procedure 
    1. Reviewed Willow Springs SCC Rules of Order and Procedure document.    
    2. Make sure to post draft minutes then approve at the next meeting. This is something we didn’t do last year and need to do this year.  
  4. Review requirements for SCC open meeting requirements 
    1. Reviewed Open and Public Meetings Act pdf.  
  5. Review bylaws or write bylaws if you don’t currently have; post current copy on website 
    1. Reviewed Willow Springs School Community Council Bylaws document. 
    2. Had conversation around meeting in person or virtual.  
    3. Principal Yule motioned to keep online.  Megan Gutierrez second, all approved.  
  6. Review last year’s LAND Trust plan, whether goals were met, how money was spent. May write preliminary final report. 
    1. Review document End of Year Data toward Goals 2020-21. 
      1. Student with IEPs are set individually and is not part of the school wide goals 
      2. ACC classes are funded through Special Education Department not Land Trust.  But items that they may need, like tablets, substitute teachers, or books, may come from the Land Trust funds.  
    2. Reviewed document End of Year Budget 2020-21 PDF. 
    3. Principal Yule will fill in the preliminary final report based on what were in the two documents listed above.  
  7. Review current year’s plans: LAND Trust, TSSP, Safe walking routes, Positive Behavior Plan, School Safety and Digital Citizenship 
    1. Reviewed Land Trust and TSSP Goals and Plans 21-22 document. 
      1. Similar goals to last year, added math goals this year. 
      2. Already hired 3 aides for kindergarten classes 
      3. Have not been able to find 4 math interventionists.   
      4. Also looking for someone ASAP for the higher ACC class.  This is a critical position that we are looking for – $12.16 an hour/28 hours a week.  We can’t increase pay but can increase hours (not over 28). Set by district.  
      5. Have been able to hire 8 reading interventionists. 
      6. District is not paying for chrome books so there is money for additional technology. 
      7. There will be increased spending for teachers to do professional development, thus the funds may need to be used for substitute teachers. 
    2. Showed Safe Walking Routes, the School Safety and Digital Citizenship district website, and the site where Principal Yule submits school specific plans.  
      1. Buses continue to be a difficult place for kids to follow the rules.  
      2. Technology class not happening this year – classes have their own technology.  Replaced it with a music class.  
  8. Get a report on any school educational data that may have come in to inform this year’s LAND Trust Plan implementation. Review expenditures for LAND Trust plan. 
    1. Shanda Antuna presented this year’s data.  
    2. Reviewed, where available, beginning-of-year (BOY) data as well as goals for the rest of the year.  
    3. Discussion on some of the strategies that are used to work with students and how well they are doing with math goals.  
  9. Reviewed SCC Members 2021-22 and SCC Meeting Schedule 2021-22 documents.   
  10. Megan Gutierrez moved to adjourn, Principal Yule seconded the motion, all approved.  
  11. Did not officially review SCC Checklist for Member Roles.  Sending out via email and requesting everyone review on their own.  

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