School Community Council Minutes
Willow Springs Elementary
Zoom Link
September 22, 2021, 10:00 am
In attendance: All – Marianne Yule, Denise White, Shanda Antuna, Christine Wirthlin, Megan Gutierrez, Alexis Rife, Brooke Zimmerman, Cassidy Merrell, DeeAnna Smith, Kaydee McMahon
Willow Springs Elementary
Zoom Link
September 22, 2021, 10:00 am
Marianne Yule, Principal | Megan Gutierrez, Chair |
Denise White, Achievement Coach | Alexis Rife, Parent |
Shanda Antuna, Achievement Coach | Brooke Zimmerman, Parent |
Christine Wirthlin, Teacher | Cassidy Merrell |
DeeAnna Smith, Parent | |
Kaydee McMahon, Parent |
- Introductions
- Nominations for Vice Chair and Secretary
- Brooke volunteered for Vice Chair again, Megan Gutierrez motioned and Alexis Rife second, all approved.
- Kaydee McMahon offered to be secretary, Alexis Rife second, all approved.
- Review rules of order and procedure
- Reviewed Willow Springs SCC Rules of Order and Procedure document.
- Make sure to post draft minutes then approve at the next meeting. This is something we didn’t do last year and need to do this year.
- Review requirements for SCC open meeting requirements
- Reviewed Open and Public Meetings Act pdf.
- Review bylaws or write bylaws if you don’t currently have; post current copy on website
- Reviewed Willow Springs School Community Council Bylaws document.
- Had conversation around meeting in person or virtual.
- Principal Yule motioned to keep online. Megan Gutierrez second, all approved.
- Review last year’s LAND Trust plan, whether goals were met, how money was spent. May write preliminary final report.
- Review document End of Year Data toward Goals 2020-21.
- Student with IEPs are set individually and is not part of the school wide goals
- ACC classes are funded through Special Education Department not Land Trust. But items that they may need, like tablets, substitute teachers, or books, may come from the Land Trust funds.
- Reviewed document End of Year Budget 2020-21 PDF.
- Principal Yule will fill in the preliminary final report based on what were in the two documents listed above.
- Review document End of Year Data toward Goals 2020-21.
- Review current year’s plans: LAND Trust, TSSP, Safe walking routes, Positive Behavior Plan, School Safety and Digital Citizenship
- Reviewed Land Trust and TSSP Goals and Plans 21-22 document.
- Similar goals to last year, added math goals this year.
- Already hired 3 aides for kindergarten classes
- Have not been able to find 4 math interventionists.
- Also looking for someone ASAP for the higher ACC class. This is a critical position that we are looking for – $12.16 an hour/28 hours a week. We can’t increase pay but can increase hours (not over 28). Set by district.
- Have been able to hire 8 reading interventionists.
- District is not paying for chrome books so there is money for additional technology.
- There will be increased spending for teachers to do professional development, thus the funds may need to be used for substitute teachers.
- Showed Safe Walking Routes, the School Safety and Digital Citizenship district website, and the site where Principal Yule submits school specific plans.
- Buses continue to be a difficult place for kids to follow the rules.
- Technology class not happening this year – classes have their own technology. Replaced it with a music class.
- Reviewed Land Trust and TSSP Goals and Plans 21-22 document.
- Get a report on any school educational data that may have come in to inform this year’s LAND Trust Plan implementation. Review expenditures for LAND Trust plan.
- Shanda Antuna presented this year’s data.
- Reviewed, where available, beginning-of-year (BOY) data as well as goals for the rest of the year.
- Discussion on some of the strategies that are used to work with students and how well they are doing with math goals.
- Reviewed SCC Members 2021-22 and SCC Meeting Schedule 2021-22 documents.
- Megan Gutierrez moved to adjourn, Principal Yule seconded the motion, all approved.
- Did not officially review SCC Checklist for Member Roles. Sending out via email and requesting everyone review on their own.