School Community Council Minutes
December 13, 2023
Willow Springs Elementary
13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020
Anne Hansen, Principal
Alyx Tatom, Teacher
Denise White, Instructional Coach
Megan White, Teacher
Megan Gutierrez, Parent
Megan Ord, Vice Chair
Kaydee McMahon, Secretary (absent)
Jessica Smith, Parent
Sarajane Luper, Parent
Shalisse Smith, Parent
Review and approve minutes
- Sarajane moved to approve November minutes, Megan Ord seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously.
Safe walking route.
- Susan Edwards: Public Engagement Coordinator.
- Construction on 4th street is temporary.
- Any shoulder that is 4 feet or wider can count as a sidewalk.
- There is a canal close to the street so a sidewalk is not realistic. This section is not able to be a safe walking route.
- Safe walking routes are not based on time it takes to walk, but rather distance.
- Shalisse suggested that families surrounding the longer walking routes work together to carpool/ problem solve.
- This information cannot come from the school but they are encouraged to work on reaching out within the community.
- Megan G. Will reach out to concerned parents to follow up.
Chromebook Filtering
- In general, SCC feels that assemblies that have been scheduled are appropriate and relevant.
- Principal Hansen shared the PAWS matrix BLT created for technology.
- Expectations are worded in a positive way.
- Jessica feels that “Keep your password private” should be added.
- Principal Hansen added that expectation under “Safety”
- Megan G. Feels that “use kind words” should be clarified to include technology.
- Principal Hansen amends the expectation to say “Use kind words towards others on devices.” And added “Only send messages you would say in person.”
- Principal Hansen will announce these new expectations on the Wildcat Weekly Broadcast.
- In the 12/12 board meeting, policy 500.06 was amended to clarify language in the policy regarding the authority of the school principal and District-owned devices.
- Because of this amendment, Principal Hansen does not have the authority to change filtering systems on every single device. She will honor parent requests.
- Holly Neibaur explained that the intentions of the policy was never to leave all responsibilities on the principal in regards to filtering systems.
- Filtering systems are still being discussed at the district level and concerns are still being investigated.
Landtrust Plan
- School wide fundraiser brought in $4,550, $2,275 was paid to Wasatch Savings. $140 Was given as donations without coupon book.
- This money will primarily be used for PBIS rewards.
- Jessica reported on the logo committee, she feels that the new logo is much more fun and approachable.
- Principal Hansen wants to get school-branded water-bottles, shirts, etc. to use as prizes for PAWS points winners.
- Our school is looking at an anticipated shortage of TSSA and Land-trust funding by $40,497
- SPED department is picking up the cost of our social worker which should cover the anticipated shortage.
- Principal Hansen will create an amended SCC Budget to move funds from TSSA to Landtrust.
- Principal Hansen will continue to monitor throughout the year.
- Holly suggests including a growth percentile in your land trust plans. The board appreciates goals where growth is expected.
- Principal Hansen presented our school’s plans and Holly feels that some of our current goals are written appropriately. But the pathways goal should show previous year’s starting point to better show the growth.
- Next meeting, Principal Hansen wants to take a closer look at our statewide testing and how our school compares to others in the district.
- Principal Hansen wants to put extra effort into raising the scores of our proficient students.
- Shalisse feels that some teachers may not be aware that parents are wanting to come into the classroom and volunteer.
- Alyx shares that it can sometimes be overwhelming to set up parent volunteers but feels that creating materials or a “menu” newer teachers can access to help them feel more comfortable inviting parents into the classroom.
- Principal Hansen shared that our BTS funding may be in jeopardy due to our lower enrollment.
- Holly suggests writing to the board and expressing concerns regarding funding within our school and other surrounding schools.
Sarajane motioned to adjourn, Jessica seconded. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:09pm.
Action Items
- Megan G. Will reach out to concerned parents to follow up on safe walking route