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Starting Kindergarten? Here’s What You Need to Know

Kindergarten is an exciting time filled with discovery, growth, and — naturally — a few questions. 

How do you register for school? Where is the neighborhood stop for the school bus? What time does school start?

For Canyons District’s newest students, there’s a lot to digest and we’re here to help you stay in the know with a few key dates and pieces of information to keep in mind in advance of the 2024-2025 school year.

JULY 31 KINDERGARTEN DECLARATION: Full-day kindergarten has been such a success, Canyons District will, again, be offering it at all 28 elementary schools. In accordance with state law, families can also choose to have their child attend on a half-day schedule. To assist with staffing and scheduling, we ask families to declare their half-day preference in an email to their school’s principal by July 31.

CHECK YOUR SCHOOL’S BELL SCHEDULE: Kindergarteners start school on Monday, Aug. 19 with their elementary-school peers. For the first week, Monday through Thursday, kindergarten students will attend school on a half-day schedule to provide time for assessments. Transportation will be provided for students who take the bus to and from school. On Friday, kindergarteners will begin attending on a regular schedule. Please see CSD’s elementary bell schedule for each school’s start and end times.

FIND YOUR BUS NUMBER, BUS STOP, AND SCHEDULE: To see if you are eligible for busing, enter your address in the search bar on this School Locator and Bus Eligibility webpage. Click on your child’s school and you will see information about where to catch the bus along with pickup and drop-off times. These schedules are for Monday through Thursday. To see Friday’s bus schedule, choose EDAY from the drop-down menu on the righthand side of the webpage.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL REGISTRATION: Mark your calendars for Back-to-School Registration, which starts Monday, Aug. 5 at 8:30 a.m. Registration for most students is done online and families will be emailed detailed instructions for logging in to the registration portal. While you may have already enrolled as a new student, registration is something all students must do annually.

VOLUNTEER: Join the thousands of parents and patrons who volunteer in CSD classrooms by completing a volunteer application at volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org

GET INVOLVED: Meet new people and have a voice in decisions that impact students by joining your school’s PTA or PTSA at https://www.utahpta.org/join. Simply search for your child’s school and follow the prompts. Or sign up to seek election to your School Community Council

THINK SAFE: Learn about CSD’s school safety protocols at canyonsdistrict.org/safeschools and encourage your children to load the SafeUT mobile app to their phone to confidentially report bullying and threatened violence, or to seek help for emotional crises. Parents can upload and use the SafeUT app, too!

COMMUNICATE WITH US: Download the free ParentSquare app for iOS or Android, a two-way communication tool for staying connected to school. 

Questions? Please reach out to your school’s Main Office any time after July 26, or email communications@canyonsdistrict.org.

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