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School Community Council Agenda

Willow Springs Elementary

September 28, 2022 | 10:00 – 11:30 am

Marianne Watts, Principal       

Megan Gutierrez, Chair

Denise White, Achievement Coach

Kaydee McMahon, Secretary

Christine Wirthlin, Teacher

Alexis Parker, Parent

Amber Tuckett, Achievement Coach

Jessica Smith, Parent


Megan Ord, Parent


Sarajane Luper, Parent

  1. Welcome and Introductions: All members in attendance, all members attended district SCC training.
  2. Roles – Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, other roles: The Chair and Secretary are returning this year. Vice Chair position needs to be filled. Megan Ord volunteered for the position. Megan Gutierrez made a motion to nominate Megan Ord as the Vice Char. Jessica Smith seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of Megan Ord filling the position of Vice Chair.
    1. Principle Watts directed council members how to navigate the school website to find SCC information and talked about the role and responsibilities of the SCC.
    2. Megan Gutierrez brought up that during district training she heard the rule of two more parents than staff required for votes is no longer required. Bylaws may need to be updated. Principle Watts will verify this information and get back to the SCC.
  3. Meeting time, schedule, location: SCC has been meeting virtually since COVID. SCC discussed thoughts on meeting virtually vs. in person. Jessica mentioned her preference for in person. Megan Guiterrez mentioned preference for virtual, but each person having their own computer when in the same room in order to have equal representation. Christine agreed with Megan Gutierrez’s suggestion of everyone having own computer. Sarajane felt in person is what the district training taught, and in person may be important for the public to join. Principle Watts mentioned virtual does allow for public to attend. Megan Ord feels in person is easier for back-and-forth communication.
    1. Principle Watts made the motion to change the SCC meetings back to in person at Willow Springs with the option to join virtually. Amber seconded the motion. Motion unanimously passed. As of October 19th, the SCC will meet in person with the option of joining virtually.
  4. Review last year’s LAND Trust plan, whether goals were met, how money was spent: Principal Watts presented End of year Data from the 2021-2022 school year.
    1. Calming kits approved by the SCC from last year were put together this summer to help with goal of decreasing Low Risk range of externalizing behaviors. This goal was not met last year, and the calming kits were not in place last year.
    2. Principle Watts reviewed the school budget for TSSP and Land Trust money as of June 2022. Megan Ord asked about math goals. Principle Watts explained that our school set goals for reading and behavior, the state requirement is to have goals for reading. If the SCC wants to spend money, then goals need to be tied to that money. We as a SCC did focus on math the previous year however it was not a goal tied to spending.
  5. Review current year’s plans: LAND Trust, TSSP, Safe walking routes, Positive Behavior Plan, School Safety and Digital Citizenship: Principal Watts reviewed current year’s Land Trust and TSSP plans, created by the SCC during the 2021-2022 school year. Principle Watts suggested in the interest of time we discuss Safe Walking routes, Positive Behavior Plan, School Safety and Digital Citizenship for next meeting.
    1. Principle Watts presented the current year budget for Land Trust and TSSP budget.
    2. Megan Gutierrez asked if the new Liveschool Access program is something parents can access, Principal Watts will find out and get back to the SCC.
    3. Amber presented the current year student data. This data will be posted on the website.
  6. Consider and vote on using TSSP money to add 2 hours per week to each booster class, with the exception of library:
    1. Principle Watts made suggested to add 2 hours per week for planning time for booster teachers (with the exception of library and art) costing $3,000.
    2. Jessica Smith motioned to add 2 hours per week for brain booster teacher planning time.
    3. Alexis Seconded the motion.
    4. Christine left the meeting and did not vote however all remaining members approved the motion.
  7. Megan Gutierrez concluded the meeting at 11:40 AM.

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