13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020

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School Community Council Minutes

Willow Springs Elementary

13288 Lone Rock Drive, Draper, UT 84020

March 15, 2023 | 10:00 – 11:30 am

Marianne Watts, Principal     

Megan Gutierrez, Chair

Denise White, Instructional Coach

Megan Ord, Vice Chair

Christine Wirthlin, Teacher

Kaydee McMahon, Secretary

Amber Tuckett, Instructional Coach

Alexis Parker, Parent


Jessica Smith, Parent


Sarajane Luper, Parent

  • Approve Minutes:
    • Denise White and Amber Tuckett not in attendance due their attendance at a conference. Principle Watts, Christine Wirthlin, Megan Gutierrez, Megan Ord, Kaydee McMahon, Alexis Parker, Jessica Smith and Sarajane Luper were all in attendance with Michael Wilde a parent from the school.
    • Sarajane motioned to approve last month’s minutes Jessica seconded the motion. The council unanimously agreed to approve February 2023 minutes.
  • Review current year’s LAND Trust plan, data, expenditures, and review if on course or if amendments are necessary.
    • Principle Watts reviewed the current budget. The current balance is $25,316.51 which is above the allotted 10% to roll over to the following school year.
    • Current needs: update some teacher laptops and teacher IPads and pencils.
    • Alexis motioned to approve the use of LAND Trust and TSSP funds to update teacher devices. Sarajane seconded the motioned the council unanimously agreed.
    • Some teachers have requested a Qball (throwable wireless microphone) for their classrooms.
    • Jessica motioned to approve the use of LAND Trust and TSSP funds to purchase Qballs for the teachers who request one. Megan seconded the motion. The council unanimously agreed.
  • Finalize development of TSSP and LAND Trust Plan
    • Principle Watts reviewed the goals the council created last month.
    • Math goals were discussed as something the school will implement but will not require TSSP and LAND Trust Plan funds so will not be included with the plan.
    • Principle Watts reviewed TSSP and LAND Trust Plan. Council had agreed in past meetings to spend TSSP and LAND Trust funds in order to keep the art brain booster teacher at .75.
    • Principle Watts has since learned that the district will provide the funds needed to keep art teacher at .75. A new concern has arisen, to keep the full-time social worker. The district based on the projected numbers for next year will allot enough funds for .5 social worker position, the council would need to fund the other half of the salary to keep the position at full-time.
    • Pinciple Watts proposed an updated TSSP and LAND Trust Plan to include the funds to maintain a full-time social worker position.
    • Sarajane motioned to approve the TSSP and LAND Trust Plan as written and discussed by the SCC, Jessica seconded the motion the council unanimously agreed.
  • Review Positive Behavior Plan
    • Willow Springs current Behavior plan includes a social worker, pride assembly recognition for individual students, school psychologist and calming kits/corners. The council discussed a pride ticket program for next year to be presented to the new principle.
  • Discussion about cell tower funds
    • Principle Watts proposed we use the money for principle discretionary use (which would be used for teacher appreciation) and to provide snack for kindergarten which due to new legislation will be all day for all kids next year.
    • Jessica Motioned to approve the use of cell tower funds as discussed Megan Ord seconded the motion the council unanimously agreed.
  • Public Comment
    • Michael Wilde shared his thoughts on the district’s decision to move the Special Education ACC classes from Willow Springs to another school. Michael asked the SCC to consider reallocating funds to help keep the ACC classes at Willow Springs if needed and to provide individual support through emailing board members and directors and attending board meetings.
  • Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM. April 12th at 10:00 AM will be the next SCC Meeting.

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